CLAW is a comprehensive web application for Common Lisp programming language.
CLAW is a comprehensive web application framework for the Common Lisp programming language. CLAW is based on components, highly reusable building blocks the make easy and fast the creation of a web application. By using and creating new components, the developer can create robust and consistent web application with the minimal effort.
The main aim of CLAW is `divide et impera', that means that dividing problems into small problems let programmers work on different part of an application, creating ad hoc components for both generic and specific tasks.
CLAW can easily handle all the request cycle,letting you to concentrate only in application business side problems, letting CLAW automatically manage all the mechanism of the web layer, such as form submission and user interactions.
CLAW comes integrated with the dojotoolkit, giving you the possibility to easily and quickly create full WEB 2.0 eye candy application, with powerful and very user friendly UI.
When a user asks for a page the request is sent to the woserver that dispatches the request to the registered lisplets.
Lisplets are web resource containers that hold web pages and other resource files, such as javascript, image, css, etc. files, under a common path.
When a matching lisplet is then found, it dispatches the request to a registered resource that can be a page or a file.
If the request is sent for a file, this is then sent pack to the browser if found.
If the request is sent for a page, usually mapped to a html url, the dispatcher calls the page rendering function to display the page as an html resource.
If no resource is found a 404 message page, is sent to the user as feedback.